
TheAngryVideoGameNerd,originallyknownasTheAngryNintendoNerd,isanAmericanretrogamingreviewcomedywebseriescreatedbyandstarringJames ...,Whenamysteriousbeamfromspacetransformstheworldintoagame,theAngryVideoGameNerdmustreturntoputtheASSinASSimilation.,InfluencedbyretroclassicsMegaManandCastlevania,AngryVideoGameNerdAdventuresfeaturestheAVGNandfriendsastheyblasttheirwaythrough10levels ...,TheAngryV...

Angry Video Game Nerd

The Angry Video Game Nerd, originally known as The Angry Nintendo Nerd, is an American retrogaming review comedy web series created by and starring James ...

Angry Video Game Nerd II

When a mysterious beam from space transforms the world into a game, the Angry Video Game Nerd must return to put the ASS in ASSimilation.

在Steam 購買Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 即可省 ...

Influenced by retro classics Mega Man and Castlevania, Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures features the AVGN and friends as they blast their way through 10 levels ...

The Angry Video Game Nerd (TV Series 2004

The Angry Video Game Nerd is an original concept created by James Rolfe. A show that picks out flaws of old retro games that many children of the 70, 80's and ...


Angry Video Game Nerd Theme · James Rolfe · James Rolfe.